Anthony Sullivan

Executive Chef
Chef Anthony Sullivan Profile

Short bio

Anthony Sullivan, 12 time-winner at the NSW RCA Awards, brings his inspired cooking style to the forefront of CHEFIN. With a diversity of cuisines, chef Anthony brings a world of talent and pride to each plate, delivering memorable dining experiences.

  • Experience rating 5
  • Talkativeness 2
  • Location: Australia, Sydney
  • Events done: 1
  • ID verification:
  • Recommendation score: 95
  • Insurance:
  • Member since: May-2022
  • Food safety certificate:



Tell me a little about yourself? Did you grow up in a family where food was important?

“I grew up in country New South Wales and food was certainly a focus amongst our family – especially fresh, home grown food! One of my fondest memories is of us eating fresh fruit and vegetables straight from our garden. In particular my favorite memory is of a large white peach tree that grew the most delicious peaches that I have ever tasted. Each Christmas our family would holiday at Lake Macquarie on Sydney’s Central Coast. We would spend the entire day fishing with my grandfather on his boat, then he would teach me how to clean, prepare and cook the day’s catch. We used to catch bream, flathead, flounder and blue swimmer crabs in pots that he showed me how to make. Memories and experiences like these are definitely responsible for my strong interest in food and cooking.”

What/who inspired you to make food your career?

“One of Australia’s leading chefs, Tony Bilson was the first person to inspire my career I believe he is a true pioneer in the Australian gastronomy industry and he has inspired me from a very young age. Marco Pierre White really perked my interest as well, particularly when he opened Harvey’s in London.”

Do you have a ‘food miles’ philosophy? And, organic versus non organic – do you have a preference?

“If I could choose between standard or organic ingredients, my preference would certainly be for fresh, organic, locally sourced produce.”

How do you keep on learning?

“I am very passionate about food so I am constantly learning through eating out, trying new recipes and discussing new food concepts with my colleagues. I eat out as often as possible both here in Australia and also overseas. I travel to Hong Kong every year; where there is unlimited inspiration. There are so many cooking programs on television now as well as great books on the market you don’t need to look far to find something new.”


  • Asian Fusion
  • French
  • Modern Australian

book a personal chef experience

Cocktail Canapes

Personal Chef designed 9 pieces of gourmet canapes per person
$65.00per person Inc of GST, minimum 30 people
Modern main dish - art of cooking

3-Course Fine Dining

A fine dining 3 course meal will be designed by your private Chef
$195.00per person Inc of GST, minimum 8 people