Short bio
Most of all, Chef Christine is passionate about putting a smile on people’s faces with her food. Seeing the expressions when a dish has been placed in front of clients, hearing the silence or the ‘mmm’ or ‘ahhhs’ after taking the first bite, it all makes the hard grind worth it in that instant.
- Experience rating
- Talkativeness
- Location: Australia, Melbourne
- Events done: 0
- ID verification:
- Recommendation score: 100
- Insurance:
- Member since: Feb-2018
- Food safety certificate:
Chef Christine is well-versed in a range of cuisines, including European, Modern Australian, and Asian. Her cooking experience has been influenced by the great mentors and chefs she has met along her journey, all of which have fuelled her passion for food and cooking craftsmanship.
Chef Christine puts TLC (tender, love, care) in every dish she cooks - if she wasn't proud of a dish, she simply wouldn't serve it.Cusines
- Asian Fusion
- Chinese-Cantonese
- Continental European