How to plan a same-sex wedding that’s delightfully different

Wedding??? What, can same-sex couples marry?

With marriage equality achieved in Australia, thousands of same-sex couples can now turn their attention to getting a ā€˜YESā€™ vote for their amazing wedding planning skills! Equality means that a gay wedding can be as traditional or alternative as the happy couple chooses ā€“ after all, thereā€™s no right or wrong way to celebrate love ā€“ but today weā€™re throwing common practice into the air like itā€™s a new brideā€™s bouquet. Letā€™s plan a same-sex wedding thatā€™s delightfully differentā€¦

image: Pinterest

Reinvent the wedding

Firstly, there is absolutely no pressure to succumb to the traditions of straight wedding ceremonies. There are no ā€˜must-havesā€™ or ā€˜must-dosā€™. Itā€™s your day, so turn it into the event your two heart’s desire. Make it cool, crazy, dashing, daring, funny, fabulous, bold, beautiful, or a combination of them all. Seriously, why hold back?

same sex wedding rainbow smoke
image: Pinterest

Wear whatever you want

Since all eyes will be on you gorgeous lovebirds, youā€™ll probably want to dress to impress. Of course, that doesnā€™t always mean suits for men and gowns for women. In fact, your fashion options are wide open. No matter what you both decide to wear, our tip is to stretch the budget just enough for tailored outfits that will fit perfectly on the big day. When it comes to fabrics, colours, accessories and all that jazz, remember this is your time to shine. Now thereā€™s an idea, fancy something shiny?

same-sex wedding signing paper

Mix up the wedding attendants

Okay, so maybe you just want joint groomsmen or maids of honour standing at the altar. Then again, maybe you want to mix things up with groomsmaids and bridesmen, the best woman or a man of honour. Perhaps youā€™d rather have one excited group of each otherā€™s friends and family called the ā€œBridal Bunchā€. You can even opt for no wedding party at all (letā€™s face it, you and your partner are definitely the stars of the show).

image: Pinterest

Walk your own walk

Itā€™s customary for the groom to wait at the altar while his bride walks down the aisle. Well, customary shmustomary at your awesome same-sex wedding. With two grooms or two brides, why not try something different? You could walk each other down the aisle, walk one after the other, walk simultaneously down adjacent aisles, or walk backwards waving at your loved ones and see who arrives first!

same-sex wedding ceremony

Get creative with catering

Thereā€™s one thing every wedding needs (apart from two people in love obviously) ā€“ and thatā€™s great food! Everybody loves a gourmet three-course sit-down meal, but you might consider getting a little creative with your catering in the form of a buffet, banquet or shared plate extravaganza. What about food in your favourite theme? Here are a few quirky ideas to get you thinking: ā€˜loud and proudā€™, ā€˜pure goldā€™, ā€˜ tropical islandā€™, ā€˜outer spaceā€™, or ā€˜dance partyā€™. You name it, talented professional chefs can probably create it.

same-sex wedding rainbow cake

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Same-sex marriage has been legal in Australia since 9 December 2017. The legislation to allow same-sex marriage, the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Act 2017, passed the Australian Parliament on 7 December 2017 and received royal assent from the Governor-General the following day. The law came into effect on 9 December, immediately recognising overseas same-sex marriages.  The first same-sex wedding under Australian law was held on 15 December 2017. The passage of the law followed a voluntary postal survey of all Australians, in which 61.6% of respondents supported same-sex marriage.

Footnote source: Wikipedia